![]() So it's not 'The Life of Pi' or 'The Book of Eli'.... introducing... THE LIFE OF ELI!! And what a cute baby boy we have! If I do say so myself. This is just a personal baby blog to 'touch base' and keep up to date with my 'feed' or in contact with my followers or whatever it's called these days. More and more lately, I am struck by how technology and science is moving at an ever faster rate and I feel too old to keep up with it! Trust me, I do pride myself on being 'down with the kids' (or 'I'm up with that' as the case may be). However, trying to retain things in this fast pace can be such a flipping headache!! Let alone the fact I've just had a baby, who is 5 weeks old and still incarcerated in hospital! Yes it has been a difficult journey so far in Eli's new born life. But hey, we're getting there, 'slowly slowly, catchee monkee' I think is the most appropriate phrase. Hospital regime is just an absolute nightmare to work around. And unfortunately, we have experienced some absolute *cough cough, ahem* staff if you get my gist. But, such is life and majority of staff on the Neptune ward at Southend Hospital, well, they have been very supportive and lovely and there for us exactly when we needed it. Even Eli wasn't too impressed at times. Check this out where my husband managed to capture a great expression... Fantastic isn't it! I think it looks like young Eli here is flipping the bird! A bit like he's swearing at the hospital and saying 'yeah, come and 'ave a go if you fink you're 'ard enough'... (not that we talk like that darling! 'Sarfend' stereotypes of course!) ![]() And there you have it. Long old road, but trust me, we will get there, as will you if you're experiencing the hardships of a new born. Yes folks, it's tough. Everyone said 'nothing can prepare you for it' before Eli was born. Did I believe them? No sir, I did not! My job is a Playgroup Assistant (and no, it's not just being paid to go play with children! Look it up, there's a lot of paperwork involved these days... not so much as teachers, but enough to contend with!) which means I deal with 2-5 year olds and feel I have a gifting with children. I absolutely love it. I was so naïve! I thought 'with all this experience and the fact I love it, surely going from 2-5 year olds to babies can't be that hard'. Well duh! It was. But I've got over the shock. Not to mention the fact, that I hate hospitals and Eli has spent more time there than he has at home through out this whole first period of his life! But hey ho, such is life, at the end of the day and all the other clichés I could throw in. The moral of the story is, keep going my friends. No matter what crap you are facing, it will get better and trust me, you will get through it.
It never seems like it when you're in the middle of it, only when we look back and reflect we can see the purpose of why crap happens. But until then, keep finding the chinks of light bursting through those trees when you can't see the wood, but for the trees. The light is there, you just got to look for it. Keep on keeping on and I hope to 'touch base' again with you soon. Love to all my followers. Peace out :)
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Hello there!I'm Julia, Just Creative Julia, jolly pleased to meet you! Welcome to my creative lifestyle blog, established 2014. My creative journey in discovering my authentic self as a neurodivergent woman.
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May 2024